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Original Songs

Two original songs were written to accompany the book. The Trevor theme song is a fun song summarizing the story, and the Circulatory System Song is detailed in the book as what the kids wrote to help them memorize facts for their science test. Chorus for the theme song is shown here, scroll down to view full song lyrics and listen to audio or view the video version(s) on YouTube for both songs.

picture of little Trevor doing his Skally shout

He'd Skally with brilliance,
but then there was stillness
as bullies would make Trevor cry,
He was on the spectrum,
so he'd disconnect from
his peers and became very shy.
But then music called to him,
he was enthralled upon
hearing the glorious notes!
The class said it’s voteable,
and now it's quotable:
“Trevor’s the Noteable GOAT!”

Original Songs

Trevor theme song lyrics

picture - Noteable Einstein and the Rhythm Tramps band members


Regular version

Sensory-friendly version

Trevor was great with his math,
but other kids thought he was daft.
He loved to shout “Skally!”
But then the finale
was simply that everyone laughed.

He found himself constantly teased
when he simply wanted to please
the kids in the neighborhood.
But they misunderstood
Trevor’s peculiarities.


Some of his world was pretend.
He’d given up finding a friend.
But then he found music,
oh, so therapeutic,
he felt his heart starting to mend.

Tasha and Ryan helped out,
they showed him what rhythm’s about.
Then Becky and Bijan,
with equal precision,
completed the musical shout.


His friends said, “Hey, let’s form a band!”
And Friday rehearsals were planned.
The Stick of Significance
revealed its magnificence.
Soon they were in big demand.

Now Trevor is full of great hope,
no longer alone does he mope.
This kid is incredible,
He is unforgettable, he’s
“Trevor the Noteable GOAT!”


Circulatory system song lyrics

picture that Tasha drew in her notebook of the circulatory system


Regular version

Sensory-friendly version

Here’s a cool rhyme so we can show
how rhythm helps us learn how the blood does flow.
The heart pumps the blood to the body up and down,
it’s a big old muscle that moves it all around.
‘Pulmonary’ circulation goes out to the lungs,
CO2 goes out and in the oxygen comes.

And then it’s ‘systematic’ that brings that O2
‘Round the rest of the body to let it pass through.
It goes out from the heart through the arteries,
Vessels in the thousands end at capillaries.
Once the O2 is used up in the flow,
The veins bring it back to the heart, and so it goes.

Arteries are red and the veins are all blue.
It’s easy seeing differences between those two.
And so we have the heart, blood, and vessels for the list,
as the elements that make up the circulatory system!