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Trevor Chaplin
picture of Trevor, Sig, and Malcolm
Trevor the Noteable GOAT
Trevor Chaplin, who is in the fifth grade, has been recently diagnosed with autism. Trevor has been bullied and rejected by his peers for most of his life. They don't understand his strange mannerisms, so they make fun of him to avoid dealing with their own uncomfortable feelings around him. Trevor has an amazing talent for math and has become bored with the regular school program. He has taught himself very advanced math for his age by working on the free courses on the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) website. Because other kids don't want to play with him, he invents an imaginary companion in the form of his hero, Mr. Albert Einstein. Mr. Einstein, along with Trevor's mom and pets, is his only solace until the other kids see his amazing math skills. Then his skills are admired rather than made fun of. Trevor even earns the nickname the GOAT (Greatest of All Time) for his math abilities.

Trevor had never thought about music lessons, but when his new friend Tasha convinces him to play the piano, he wants to learn so that he can share some of her interests. In learning piano, he finds that other skills improve as well. He's well on his way to becoming a solid musician.


Tasha Goforth
picture of Tasha Goforth

Tasha is in Trevor's class at school. She is the first one to reach out to him in friendship when she recognizes who the real person is under his facade. She is bright and independent and loves sports as well as music. She encourages Trevor to start taking piano lessons. The two of them become inseparable as she comes over to his house for daily homework and music practicing during the year. She encourages Trevor's talents, and works with him to believe in his own abilities.

Ryan Erickson
picture of Ryan Erickson

Ryan is the coolest kid in Trevor's class. Trevor is amazed when Ryan terms him the GOAT of the math world. Ryan is very athletic, and also plays the drums. He enjoys the rhythm games that Tasha and Trevor invent. He readily agrees that forming a band would be a great thing. He's also very loyal in defending Trevor against class bullies who still want to make fun of Trevor's peculiarities.

Becky LaValla
picture of Becky LaValla

Becky is Ryan's neighbor and one of the most popular girls in class. She adores singing and experimenting with make-up and pretty clothes. She loves to have a good time and provides the comic relief to bring a laugh to any stressful situation. Her singing voice is terrific, and it's her dream to play the lead on the Broadway stage. She wholeheartedly throws herself into the lyrics produced during the band rehearsals and has a wonderful time in performance.

Bijan Tayer
picture of Bijan Tayer

Bijan, who arrives in fifth-grade class after the December holidays, becomes the glue that moves the band forward, from just playing for their own amusement to playing for a purpose. He adores the rock music from the 70's and 80's and is able to play any kind of guitar or electric bass instrument that is put in front of him. He quickly becomes one of the most popular kids in class, and he is delighted when his Grandfather Hakeem takes an interest in Trevor.

Siegfried, the Basset Hound
picture of Sigfried the Basset Hound

Siegfried, or Sig, as he is affectionately known, is Trevor's wonderful floppy-eared, drooling, silly-looking, and extremely flatulent Basset Hound. Sig's farts come in all forms and all places, and they never fail to amuse. He's absolutely loyal to Trevor and makes himself the center of attention any time he has the opportunity.

Malcolm the Woof-Kitty
picture of Malcolm the woof-kitty

Malcolm is Trevor's gorgeous but dumb-as-a-brick kitty. Trevor discovered early on that Malcolm won't respond if Trevor tries to meow to him, but he will respond if Trevor barks at him. He therefore became the Woof-Kitty. He quietly curls up to Trevor every night as he sleeps.


Deena Chaplin
picture of Deena Chaplin

Deena is Trevor's mom.  She had maintained her own career in Information Technology before Trevor was born, but she gave up her career to give Trevor the extra special attention she felt he needed because he was so "different." She tends to blame herself for Trevor's problems and is the main caregiver since Trevor's father Nick is on the road so much. She experiences all the emotions and feelings that a typical caregiver of a child with autism would experience.

Mrs. Hopkins
picture of Mrs. Hopkins at the piano

Mrs. Hopkins is not only a concert pianist, but also, unknown to Trevor at first, a certified music therapist.  She understands the many aspects of music and how it can be great fun to play and at the same time can help her students in ways they don't initially understand.  A former hippie, she loves to dress in bright purples and blues and wears her gray-tinged red hair in a ponytail or flying loose.  Trevor adores her, and she becomes a very important person in his life.

Mr. Nuttelman
picture of Mr. Nuttelman

Mr. Nuttelman is the junior high math teacher at Trevor's school.  He takes a personal interest in Trevor after Trevor's teacher Miss Gottschalk mentions in the teacher's lounge that she's convinced that Trevor is cheating on his math quizzes.  When Miss Gottschalk can't be bothered to find out any additional information, Mr. Nuttelman looks into Trevor's records and sees the recent diagnosis of autism.  He has a brother with Down Syndrome, so understands that Trevor's gifts must be nurtured instead of ignored. He takes Trevor under his wing to give him advanced math lessons each week and then paves the way for Trevor's admission to the summer robotics class at MIT.

Grandfather Hakeem
picture of Grandfather Hakeem

Grandfather Hakeem is Bijan's grandfather. Bijan's family has moved midway through the school year, so they can be close to Grandfather Hakeem at the local assisted living center.  He is a former math professor who now has Parkinson's disease. He is fascinated by Trevor and also drawn to him, since they have both math abilities and physical limitations in common.  He becomes a great supporter of Trevor and gradually starts to replace the imaginary Mr. Einstein in Trevor's mind, with the older adult companionship and conversation previously provided by Mr. Einstein.

Nick Chaplin

Nick is Trevor's dad.  He was delighted at first to have another son, but now he can't understand why Trevor isn't athletic and charming like his older brother Austin.  To avoid dealing with a family situation he can't readily fix, Nick has chosen work that takes him out of the house and on the road most weekdays.  On weekends the golf course provides a similar escape route.

Austin Chaplin

Trevor's older brother is a freshman in college.  Austin is athletic and popular, everything Trevor wishes he could be.  Their differences, though, aren’t a source of conflict.  Trevor truly looks up to his brother, and Austin is affectionate and caring with Trevor.

Uncle Dunstan

Dunstan is Deena's brother, who comes to visit for the holidays.  A small dose of Dunstan makes everyone glad he visits only rarely.  Uncle McDillPickleFace does provide Trevor with a negative role model, as well as the inspiration for his FARTO list ("For Avoidance of Relatives' Things Obnoxious").

Miss Gottschalk

Miss Gottschalk is Trevor's fifth-grade homeroom teacher.  Unlike Mrs. Hopkins and Mr. Hanson, who adore teaching and working hard with their students, Miss Gottschalk is teaching only because her original plans of becoming the pampered wife of a rich man never came to fruition. She doesn't like teaching, but it's all she knows how to do.  Unfortunately, she doesn't do it very well, to the detriment of her students. Trevor is particularly troublesome for her. She can't conceive of anyone being as brilliant as he is with math, and therefore she assumes that he must be cheating.

The Band

Noteable Einstein and the Rhythm Tramps
picture of Noteable Einstein and the Rhythm Tramps

With encouragement from Mrs. Hopkins, Trevor and his new-found friends form a band. Trevor and Tasha on the keyboards while Ryan plays drums, Bijan plays electric bass and guitar, and Becky is the wonderful vocalist. The name of the band is a loving tribute to Trevor, as they incorporate his imaginary hero, Mr. Einstein, into the name, respelling "Notable" to "Noteable" with the musical tribute.

Learning the Notes
picture of Tasha and Trevor at the piano

Their first rehearsals are just for fun playing around and getting to know each other, but they soon realize that music has significantly helped Trevor achieve a steadier walking pattern and will also help them remember the rather dull facts that Miss Gottschalk has presented them for a test.

Rocking Music = Walking Rhythm
picture of the grown-up Bijan rocking on the guitar

Bijan's love for the 70's and 80's rock and roll group Queen inspires them to rewrite Queen's lyrics of "We Will Rock You" into a piece they can share with senior citizens at a local assisted living facility to help them walk a bit steadier like Trevor has been helped.

Rhythm Rocks You
picture of the stage at Orchard Hill right before the performance

Mr. Hanson volunteers to coach the group, and "Rhythm Rocks You" is created as the band becomes a YouTube sensation following their first performance of the piece. All of them realize the power of music for both fun and learning as they delve further into their pieces.

A Graduation Performance
picture of the stage at with all the band members during their 5th grade graduation

The band has impressed the school and community so much that they are asked to perform for their own 5th grade graduation. It is another triumphant performance!