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This website was created as a proof-of-concept idea to show the possibilities of creating add-on information to accompany a middle-grade chapter book, Trevor the Noteable GOAT. Please note that the book is not currently (and has never been) published. Upon the book's publication, this website will require only slight alterations (including deleting this paragraph) in order to be a live add-on to the book.

Trevor the Noteable GOAT was written to be entertaining and also educational for middle-grade readers, as well as all who have experienced autism or cared for or worked with persons with autism.

The book was designed to be a fun read for middle-school children and for anyone who has a desire to learn more about how cool it is to play a musical instrument and let music be an important part of life.

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Link - autism informationLink - music therapy overviewLink - music samples


Link - Synopsis
Trevor is a brilliant fifth grader who was recently diagnosed with autism.

His fondest wish is for real friends, but he’s always been different from the other children, with his love of spinning in circles and making silly sounds. Being brilliant with math accidentally leads him to discover his new love of music.

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The Band

Link - description of members in the band
Noteable Einstein and the Rhythm Tramps becomes a YouTube sensation.

Keyboardists Trevor and Tasha, along with bass player Bijan, drummer Ryan, and vocalist Becky, make up the band. They write or re-write songs to help themselves or others think and walk, and along the way they have a ball with music.

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Link - Characters
Trevor's support includes his mom, teachers, beloved pets, and newfound friends.

Having friends is the most important thing in the world to Trevor. He's been bullied and picked on from a young age because of his strange behaviors, and his new friends are a balm to his soul.

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Music samples found in the book

Several places in the book reference music samples, for example, when Trevor learns a new piece at the piano or if the band is inspired to write new lyrics for a piece that was played by a rock band. Examples can be found here.
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Authors & Inspirations

picture author Summa-Chadwick with link to authors page

Martha Summa-Chadwick, DMA

Martha has a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in piano performance and has achieved a national reputation as an educator, presenter, concert pianist, and advocate for the cause of music in therapy.

picture author Navin with link to authors page

Ava Navin, MA

Ava is an editor who worked almost 30 years with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Editors can never truly retire, so she now dots i’s and crosses t’s from Denver, where she hikes, bikes and snowshoes whenever she can.

picture Mrs. Hopkins with link to author page

Inspired by Mrs. Hopkins

Mrs. Hopkins was Martha's beloved first piano teacher. She taught Martha from age 4 through high school and is the inspiration for her namesake in the book.

picture Mr. Hanson with link to author page

Inspired by Mr. Hanson

Mr. Hanson was another major influence on Martha. An extraordinary musician, he was the organist and music director at the church of Martha's childhood.