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Welcome, kids!

Hi, there! Scroll on down to meet Trevor, who learns to love music and math (not necessarily in that order).

Link - synopsis
The following limerick sums up the fun
in Trevor the Noteable Goat.

He found the musical note,
and bullies could no longer gloat.
The class said it’s voteable,
and this is quotable:
“Trevor’s the Noteable GOAT!”

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The Trevor Experience

A really cool story for kids.

Trevor is the loveable hero of this book. His endearing clumsiness and brilliance are most likely traits of his being on the autism spectrum. His story shows how wonderful people with autism can be, and illustrates that we are all not so different from each other.

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Fun Music Interaction

The book is full of examples of the different types of music played by Trevor, Tasha and the band. There are also visual examples in the book and listening examples on this website to help anyone interested in learning a bit about the piano.

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Music for Therapy.

For caregivers or anyone who loves someone who seems to stand apart from the crowd, all of the protocols used by Mrs. Hopkins in this book are based on real science-based research. It's a great thing to learn about how they work to help improve attention and physical coordination.
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You'll find these quotes in the book.


Lyrics for Trevor's daily Skally walk.

Come on, flitty-flotta, bitty,
Hooldee-ah-tah-wotta, jitty.
Come on, flitty-bitty cahlla,
Silly sounds become so witty,
Playing with the little kitty.
Groovy Goobs become so giddy,
Trevor is the GOAT!

Silly syllables to celebrate Trevor being the GOAT.

Here’s a cool rhyme so we can show,
rhythm helps us learn how the blood does flow.
Heart pumps blood to the body up and down,
it’s a big old muscle that moves it all around.
"Pulmonary" circulation goes out to the lungs,
CO2 goes out and in the oxygen comes.
And then it’s "systematic" that brings that O2,
to the rest of the body to let it pass through.

First verse of the circulatory system song.

Online Music Games and Other Fun Links

We hope that reading Trevor the Noteable GOAT will inspire the reader to find out more about music. There's no better way to learn about music than having fun with it, so here is a list of free musical games that can be played online.

Try these games/activities:

Link - Classics for kids music gamesLink - PBS kids music gamesLink - inside the orchestra music games
Trevor is fascinated by several people that traverse his story. Here's where you can learn more about Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein, and Carl Yastrzemski.

Check out these links:

Link - Charlie Chaplin websiteLink Albert Einstein websiteLink - Carl Yastrzemski hall of fame website

Quiet Thoughts

Reading through the Trevor story may bring up thoughts of situations
that happen in school or in your neighborhood. Here are some ideas
you may want to talk about with your friends or parents.
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